NDS and ALAA Announce Recognition of Detroit Union

October 4, 2021

Today, Neighborhood Defender Service voluntarily recognized the Association of Legal Aid Attorneys – UAW Local 2325 as the collective bargaining representative of its Detroit staff.

Founded in 2019, NDS Detroit represents people experiencing poverty, who are accused of criminal offenses in Wayne County.  NDS Detroit was built based on NDS’ long-time work in Harlem, NY, representing residents of Northern Manhattan in criminal, family, civil, and immigration proceedings.  NDS Detroit will now be unionized with ALAA, in the same manner as NDS Harlem has been for the past 3 years.

“In just two short years, NDS Detroit has established itself as one of the premier public defense offices in the nation, due largely to the work of our hardworking and dedicated staff.  To have continuously provided the high-quality legal services for which NDS is known in the face of the global pandemic is remarkable,” said Matt Knecht, Chief of Staff at NDS.  “We look forward to working with our staff to ensure that, together, we continue to provide the highest quality representation to our clients.”

“It is with great joy that we announce the official recognition of the Union following the third-party card check. One thing is clear, there is no better way for us to fulfill our mission to serve our clients than to unionize and have a seat at the table” said NDS Union Chapter Chair Helmis Ortega.  “As we continue to navigate these unprecedented times during a global pandemic, now more than ever, employees need a seat at the table to help guide these changes.  We welcome NDS Detroit workers to our union and look forward to working together to reach a bargaining agreement that dignifies and empowers all rank-and-file members.”

About NDS

Neighborhood Defender Service of Detroit is a community-based, client-centered, holistic public defense office in Wayne County.  Presently, NDS Detroit represents 35% of the County’s residents who are charged with felony crimes and cannot afford to hire a lawyer. Clients are represented by teams composed of lawyers, investigators, social workers, client advocates, and team administrators. NDS adheres to a client-centered approach to representation that emphasizes a heightened responsiveness to clients’ needs prior to arrest, while a case is pending, and after the case concludes.  NDS is committed to addressing the comprehensive legal and social service needs of clients while treating each client with dignity and respect.   

About ALAA – UAW Local 2325

Representing over 2,700 members, the Association of Legal Aid Attorneys – UAW Local 2325 is the oldest union of attorneys and legal advocates in the United States.  Its membership is comprised of workers at public defender and public interest legal organizations including the Legal Aid Society, Bronx Defenders, Neighborhood Defender Service, Queens Defenders, Brooklyn Defender Services and the Office of the Appellate Defender.


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